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Meet "Alex's Lemonade Stand"

Today's guest post is from Susan Blowey with Alex's Lemonade Stand.  She will be presenting a workshop on Monday, March 28 during the State Leadership Conference.  If you're interested in this project, be sure to attend her workshop!

Alex Scott was one years old when she was diagnosed with the deadly cancer, neuroblastoma. When she was 4 years old, she asked her mom if she could have a lemonade stand and give the money to her doctors. Her goal was to cure cancer for all children. Cancer is the number one killer of kids today.

Ten years later, Alex’s saying of “when like gives you lemons, make lemonade” lives on through people all over the United States who continue to have lemonade stands. Although she lost her battle with cancer, she showed how one person can make a difference with just an idea. The FCCLA is made up of students that are leaders and are looking to make a difference. Our website, makes it easy for high school students to do something fun and help others. Whether it’s having a lemonade stand in honor of someone battling cancer or having a rock-a-thon to raise funds, it all makes an impact. There is also the Lemonade from Lemons Service program that incorporates talking to grade school kids about how to make a difference like Alex did.  We also have Lemonade Days in June.

All over the United States, people are having lemonade stands to help eradicate pediatric cancer. My name is Susan Blowey and I am the Community Outreach Coordinator for Missouri and Kansas at ALSF. I am looking forward to discussing our organization and making a difference at the FCCLA State Leadership conference.  


Guest Post: COPE24

We've asked those presenting at the upcoming state leadership conference to submit guest posts if they'd's one from COPE24...Changing Our Parenting Experience

We will be releasing our new proactive and innovative parenting skill program...targeting our youth in approximately two-weeks. The dvd portion is in duplication now and the curriculum/teaching manual went to the printers on 2/16/2011. COPE24 will be selecting 8 schools throughout Missouri to begin piloting the program this semester. We should be making contact with those schools within the next week. Clips of the video portion of this program can be seen at our website. We look forward to sharing more with you about this program at the upcoming conference.

Rene Howitt


It's Social Media Advocacy Day for CTE

It's February 17, about the middle of CTE (Career and Technical Education) Month.  What have you done to promote CTE to your community this month? 

It's really easy to participate in CTE Social Media Advocacy Day -and if you don't read this until after February 17, that's okay, too.  Because really, as CTE professionals, EACH DAY is a day to advocate for career education, family and consumer sciences, and FCCLA.

Each day we use skills learned in family and consumer sciences.  Most of us rise in the morning blessed to have a place, a home, to call our own.  And for those that don't have a home, many dream of having one.  Most of us head to a kitchen  - where we find clean water and something to eat that will sustain us for a few hours.  Most of us then begin to work - whether at home with a family, school, office, or in a salon, hospital, behind a counter, or driving a vehicle.  We have skills and knowledge that we put to use to make our lives better as well as those we serve.  And if we're really fortunate, our work fulfills us and we leave tired, but ready to do it all over again. 

Each day we solve practical, perennial problems that require creative and critical thinking.  Our problems often overlap between our family, career, and community. And, because of family and consumer sciences and the focus of on our multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, we develop skills for life.  (Yes, that is taken directly from the FCCLA Mission statement).

So, even if you miss CTE Social Media Advocacy Day today, you can advocate for CTE and for family and consumer sciences each day anyway.  Remind a legislator how important your work is.  Tell a friend about the great projects or service projects your "kids" are doing.  Share how impressed you are with that student who gave a speech in front of a room full of strangers.  Explain how excited your student was when they learned they landed their first job.  And the list goes on and on.....

Happy CTE Month and thanks for all you do for family and consumer sciences and FCCLA.


It's FCCLA Week - Join The Party Online!

It’s FCCLA Week! Join us online for a week of celebration of “the ultimate leadership experience.” To start things off, make your Facebook or Twitter profile picture “red hot” by using the FCCLA poster, emblem, or a picture of you in FCCLA red. Then, join in the following online activities:

Membership Monday – update your social networks with the number of members in your local FCCLA chapter

Talk it Up Tuesday – use today’s update to talk up FCCLA to your friends! Share something that you’ve done in FCCLA that reflects the ultimate leadership experience

Wonderful Wednesday – Without advisors, FCCLA couldn’t happen! Post something today to honor your chapter advisor.

Toward New Horizons Thursday – post today about how your FCCLA experiences are helping you prepare for your future career

Fact Friday – update your status today to share a fact about FCCLA

Service Saturday – update your status today and share a FCCLA service project that you felt was valuable.

Enjoy your week, FCCLA!  Join the FCCLA week party via Twitter or Facebook - see you there!


A Project Fulfilled....for TJ

Submitted by Linda Stinson, Chapter Advisor, Mark Twain High School

On Friday, January 28, Mark Twain hosted a check presentation to Childrens Miracle Network. Mark Twain FCCLA, Region 4 FCCLA and Morgan County FCCLA raised $1,612.50. The money was raised through memorials and donations for TJ Smallwood.  TJ was the 2010-2011 President of Region 4 FCCLA. The check was presented to Michelle Kemp from University of Missouri Childrens Hospital on the behalf of Childrens Miracle Network fromTony Smallwood, father of TJ, Region 4 FCCLA officers, and members of Mark Twain FCCLA. TJ passed away on November 7, 2010.  TJ was a member of Mark Twain FCCLA and before his accident, he was passionate about planning for the chapter to raise money for Children's Miracle Network.

Region 4 FCCLA officers, Michelle Kemp from University of Missouri Childrens Hospital on the behalf of Childrens Miracle Network, Tony Smallwood, and members of Mark Twain FCCLA.

 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America, which, in turn, use the money where it’s needed the most.  When a donation is given it stays in the community, ensuring that every dollar is helping local kids.  Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $4 billion, most of it $1 at a time.  These donations have gone to support research and training, purchase equipment, and pay for uncompensated care, all in support of our mission to save an improve the lives of as many children as possible.

Tony Smallwood (father of TJ Smallwood), Kelsie Boss Region 4 Vice President and member of MarkTwain FCCLA
Mark Twain would like to thank the community, family, friends and FCCLA members for making this donation possible.


How Will You Use MoneyClips?

Missouri FCCLA has been fortunate to partner with American Century Investments as they generously sponsor the Missouri LifeSmarts program. Not only do our LifeSmarts teams benefit from the financial sponsorship, but all students can benefit from the educational resources provided through American Century Investments. The MoneyClips eNews Center and the Yes, You Can website has materials for both students and teachers.

MoneyClips offers real-world, hands-on journalism experience combined with financial knowledge for articles and broadcasts that share relevant information students can use today and tomorrow as they begin their adult lives. Each release comes with interview tips and sample questions so students can customize the information to fit their audience's interests.  MoneyClips would be great to use on chapter websites, in Financial Fitness programs, or in school newspapers, or other school or parent publications.

Some of the topics currently included in MoneyClips address identify theft, student debt, and over-scheduling. Educators are encouraged to sign up to receive free access to curriculum and email announcement of enhancements to the program and new resources.