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What's "It" And Where Can I Get It?

Hardly a week goes by that I don't hear from a new family and consumer sciences teacher requesting "IT." What is "IT" you ask? Well, "it" would be the "thing" that helps them get organized and run their FCCLA chapter. Thankfully, "it" has been newly revised and released.

Yes, I'm talking about "The Handbook to Ultimate Leadership" - a ten chapter handbook with an accompanying CD that is exactly what many advisors are looking for to help them with the details of implementing their FCCLA chapter.

The chapters include:

    1. The Ultimate Leadership Experience

    2. Getting Started

    3. Programs, Projects, and Competitive Events

    4. Student Leadership

    5. The FCCLA Adviser

    6. Membership

    7. Finances and Fundraising

    8. Chapter Communications and Public Relations

    9. Lesson Plans and Activities

    10. Additional Resources

    Also included is a glossary, handouts on CD (99 total), and handbook overview PowerPoints on CD (8 total).

    FCCLA...The Handbook to Ultimate Leadership can be purchased from the FCCLA store. Cost for chapters is $59 per handbook.

    A copy will be available for free-loan check out from Resources@ MCCE. It will be ordered and available at MCCE sometime this fall.

    If your chapter/school can only afford one thing to purchase for your FCCLA chapter library - this is "IT!"

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