There are definitely other ways that may end up being simpler for you to use, just do an Internet search on "downloading YouTube videos" and many different options will be shown. But for me, Zamzar has worked fine, especially since sites like YouTube are automatically blocked where I work. If I know what video I am wanting to download, I can go to Google, search for the video, and then copy/paste the URL into the Zamzar converter, taking out the word "watch." After some processing time, I get an e-mail from Zamzar saying my converted file is ready to be downloaded from their website. I can then use that video as part of a presentation where I know I may not have an Internet connection available to me.
The videos that FCCLA and Missouri FCCLA upload to YouTube can be used by any FCS teacher in their classroom, sometimes we just have to figure out the best way to make them available.
this is stupid