Today we had the opportunity to observe and interact with Jeanne V. Livers at the Show-Me Motivation workshop as she took us through forms of motivation, demotivators, and even self-motivators. We began by directly testing ourselves through a PowerPoint and handouts to analyze what kind of motivation we each had. After finding out which personality we had, she took us through which each motivational orientation meant and how they affect the workplace and your peers.
Goal oriented, relationship oriented, and learning oriented were the types of motivations that were discussed. I personally was goal oriented which means I tend to reach goals through direct and obvious routes. Relationship oriented would mean that you take part in activities for social means while learning oriented allows you to motivate yourself through the practice of learning itself. We were guided through a slideshow that left us at the end thinking- which motivation is best? Regardless of which motivational path you take, it’s important to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Contributed by Hunter Brown, Media Team 2015

About the Author:
I am a junior at Walnut Grove High School. This is my second year in FCCLA, and I am looking forward to sharing the moments of state convention with members. I love to run and spend time with friends. I'm looking forward to state convention and furthering my knowledge in FCCLA!
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