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Alumni Meeting

At the start, the attendees ate candy that was on the table. Those in charge, had the members put their name, school, and email on a piece of paper. The papers were put in a box and one name was drawn for a door prize. During the ice breaker, the members had to come up with a team name and do a cheer that involved the name. They reported that they recently redid the bylaws because the old ones still said FHA (Future Homemakers of America). They did elections for alumni officers. The new officers were as followed: President, Hilary; Vice President, Derrick; Vice President of Records, Cara; Vice President of Communications, Mikel; Vice President of Membership, Josie; Vice President of Community Service, Caleb; and Vice President of Finance, Tyler. At the end of the night, a guy took the microphone and asked a girl to prom. It was so sweet! Contributed by Michael Reynolds, 2014 Media Team


  1. Thats so cool and sweet. Its so nice for the FCCLA council aloud the boy to ask a girl out for prom. espetially with a meeting that secrious. :)

  2. Thats cool I really like candy. Plus the whole thing was a good thing to modivate the members. So yeah this semmed like a pretty cool event.
