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My NLC Experience - Career Exploration

Have you ever wondered about what type of education was needed to work in a destination restaurant such as the Rainforest Cafe or an Aquarium Restaurant? Well I learned about both of those places at the National FCCLA Conference in Nashville.

I participated in both of those Career Explorations and learned about what it takes to run such a restaurant. It was a lot more complex then I had anticipated. Not only do you need to enjoy working with people, but you also need to be a certified diver and have a degree in science, such as biology. You also need to take math classes. The workers have to run the filters that clean the water and they use math skills to figure out the formulas for everything from making the saltwater, to administering medicine to the fish, and making sure the fish are getting the proper nutrition to survive in their environment.

I am interested in becoming a vet, but by participating in these two career explorations, I now know there are other jobs available with the type of degree I am interested in. I recommend everyone to participate in a career exploration, it helps open the door to new possibilities. Thanks FCCLA for making this type of experience possible!!

This post was submitted by Ashley H., a Missouri FCCLA member. Thanks for sharing part of your NLC experience!

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