Submitted by Emily Blackburn, Vice President of State Programs
Summer Planning Meeting - Day 1
The Missouri State Executive Council is holding our annual Summer Planning Meeting in Springfield. Prior to the start of our official meeting, three state executive council members (Cara Gooch, Courtney Kirby, and Kelsey Cole) participated in a panel discussion in the FCCLA advisor training workshop. They gave the student perspective on topics such as chapter management, membership recruitment, and national program awards.
That evening, all 17 officers were together again to hold our first official business meeting. Officers gave reports from national conference, learned about the Missouri FCCLA membership trends, reviewed the State Leadership Conference evaluations, and received reports on LifeSmarts and Legislative Shadowing. We also reviewed and approved the state budget and financial policies. We established a task force to look at possibilities for changing the structure of the Missouri FCCLA Board of Directors. Task force members will be selected in the coming weeks.
We are really excited to pick out our theme for the 2011 State Leadership Conference! Watch for updates here - we'll post the theme soon!
Can't wait to hear what the theme will be for you all next year!