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QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Are you ready for the QR CODE SCAVENGER HUNT?!?!  Well, wait some of you may be asking what is a QR Code and what does it do?  A QR Code is short for Quick Response, this means that the codes can be read quickly with a cell phone. QR Codes are used to take a piece of transitory media and save it in your cell phone after being scanned.  Some examples of places that use this code are theme parks, car dealerships, business cards, and the Missouri FCCLA State Leadership Conference! The QR Code is on the back of the State Conference T-shirt and it will link you to the Missouri FCCLA Facebook page, so it’s easy access and a great way to keep up with Missouri FCCLA! In your Conference Program there is a QR Code that will take you directly to speaker Kyle Pace’s contact information, if you have any questions for him during or after the Conference.Back to the Scavenger Hunt, here are the instructions to take if you are going to Participate in the QR Code Scavenger Hunt:
1.       You will need a smart phone with a free scanner app, and if you don’t have one find someone who does, become friends, and form a team!  
2.       Scan the 10 QR Codes that you’ll find around the Holiday Inn Select.
3.       Each code takes you to a website with a clue or a question.
4.       Find the clue, snap a photo, or get the answer to the question.
5.       When you have collected all 10 photos, items, or answers, check out the FCCLA Store and they will give you your prize!
 Remember to have fun, meet new people, and celebrate FCCLA’s 65 Years!

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