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Congratulations to all STAR Events Participants that represented Missouri at the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California. You have made Missouri proud.



Missouri FCCLA Members Travel to National Leadership Conference

Over 250 Missouri FCCLA members and advisers will soon be leaving for Anaheim, CA for the National FCCLA Leadership Conference. They will join members from across the nation to gain leadership skills, compete, network with fellow FCCLA members and advisers and enjoy the California sun!

Missouri has two students from our state running for national office and 105 competing in STAR Events.  

Good luck!


FCCLA National Candidates Participate in Boot Camp

Missouri FCCLA and Missouri FBLA held their first ever National Officer Candidate Boot Camp this week. Pictured here are Missouri FBLA officers and Missouri FCCLA's national officer candidates. Rhett Laubach was the fantastic trainer!


Three Missouri Chapters Win Big!

Three Missouri FCCLA Chapters have been announced as national FCCLA program award winners! Each of them wins $1000, a spot in the 2011 National Leadership Conference "Spotlight on Projects," Teen Times recognition, and recognition on stage in Anaheim, California. The winners are:

Trenton Middle School - 2011 National Families First Middle School Winner - "Meeting the Challenge."

Working locally, Trenton Middle School encouraged the community to help with a "Be the Match" donor drive for bone marrow transplants. Chapter members wanted their community and classmates to learn about the "Be the Match" foundation and how it helps people with various diseases. Since one of the TMS members lost her mother to Hodgkins and AML Leukemia this past summer, they decided to help families meet the challenge of finding healthy matches for bone marrow transplants.

In order to accomplish this donors have to sign up for the registry and have a DNA cheek swab on file with the registry. Their goal was have a donor drive and get 50 people on the registry and raise $5000 to pay for these. They surpassed their goal and had over 100 people added to the registry and raised close to $6000 with help from local partners. This project had a positive outcome and they educated others of the need for the registry and how it could help families meet the challenge when faced with a deadly disease.

Walnut Grove High School - 2011 National Community Service High School Winner - "Share Your Christmas."

Walnut Grove FCCLA organized the first annual Share Your Christmas Food Drive for students in preschool through grade 12. When members started planning, they never imagined how involved people would get. After 7 days of collecting foods, they ended up with more than 4200 items to put together food baskets for local families. While the food was being counted and sorted, students went door to door and picked up community donations of food items. This collection brought in another 600 items to our food drive. Once finished collecting, members sorted the canned and boxed food into 31 families that are being helped by the Share Your Christmas program from the Walnut Grove community.

The second part of this project involved a Change Day. Students bring in unrolled change for teachers to roll and count. As long as the teachers have money to count, the students could watch movies or play games. This year Change Day raised $2440. This money is used to purchase gifts for the 76 children involved in our Share Your Christmas project. Members helped roll change all day to help teachers on what seemed like a never-ending pile of change. The Masonic Lodge and Wal-Mart donated another $5000 to be used for clothing, shoes, and coats for the children. Our chapter officers and 10 elementary teachers and students went shopping to buy gifts and clothing for the 76 children in our community. Groups were given names, sizes, and gift requests to shop for the children.

Fair Grove High School - National Financial Fitness High School Winner - "LifeSkills Fair"

Fair Grove FCCLA created a "reality store" to teach students about the costs associated with living on their own. The event was titled "Life Skills Fair". Students in 9th and 10th grade were assigned a set amount of monthly income based on their career choice. They were also assigned a family size based on the information they provided. They were then instructed to spend their income at the different booths set-up to see how far they could stretch the money. Students were required to visit and purchase an item from each booth such as childcare and insurance. The booths included housing, transportation, insurance, grocery, childcare, banking, utilities, entertainment, medical/dental, crystal ball and Uncle Sam. Students tracked their expenses using a check register. Once the students had purchased an item from all of the booths, they were given a Payday candy bar if they were in the black and a Zero candy bar if they were in the red. Over 150 students went through the reality store. Students from the Personal Finance class, FCCLA members, FBLA members, Missouri State University FACS majors, and business community members from Fair Grove and surrounding areas all helped to make the Life Skills Fair a success.


Shining Like Hollywood Stars

By Savanna Day, 2010-11 State Vice President of Public Relations

On the third day of the State Leadership Conference, members competed in STAR Events, attended leadership workshops, elected the new president, national candidates and occupational vice-president, and finally went to the Business and Recognition Session.

This year’s STAR Events were bigger than ever. As Missouri’s STAR Events continue to grow, we take over more of the town by spreading the events to many different locations. As always, the events ran smoothly and the participants presented amazing projects. The SEC brought in many valuable presenters for their Leadership Workshops including Ravi Karia, the FCCLA National President. Members set the positions for the 2011-2012 State Executive Council. Candidates were required to answer one fact question, one situation question and give a two minute speech about whose responsibility FCCLA’s membership was.

Finally, members attended the Business and Recognition Session where chapters were recognized for the achievements over the year. Ron Cole also was the entertainment and called the advisors up to the stage for a little dance session. Many of us did not know the advisors still had the movies!

Tomorrow is the last day of  the State Leadership Conference and the entire 2010-2011 State Executive Council wishes everyone the best of luck!


2011 Business, Program and Membership Recognition Session

QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Are you ready for the QR CODE SCAVENGER HUNT?!?!  Well, wait some of you may be asking what is a QR Code and what does it do?  A QR Code is short for Quick Response, this means that the codes can be read quickly with a cell phone. QR Codes are used to take a piece of transitory media and save it in your cell phone after being scanned.  Some examples of places that use this code are theme parks, car dealerships, business cards, and the Missouri FCCLA State Leadership Conference! The QR Code is on the back of the State Conference T-shirt and it will link you to the Missouri FCCLA Facebook page, so it’s easy access and a great way to keep up with Missouri FCCLA! In your Conference Program there is a QR Code that will take you directly to speaker Kyle Pace’s contact information, if you have any questions for him during or after the Conference.Back to the Scavenger Hunt, here are the instructions to take if you are going to Participate in the QR Code Scavenger Hunt:
1.       You will need a smart phone with a free scanner app, and if you don’t have one find someone who does, become friends, and form a team!  
2.       Scan the 10 QR Codes that you’ll find around the Holiday Inn Select.
3.       Each code takes you to a website with a clue or a question.
4.       Find the clue, snap a photo, or get the answer to the question.
5.       When you have collected all 10 photos, items, or answers, check out the FCCLA Store and they will give you your prize!
 Remember to have fun, meet new people, and celebrate FCCLA’s 65 Years!


FCCLA Takes Over Columbia

Today, hundreds of FCCLA members flooded Columbia, MO for their annual State Leadership Conference. Chapters checked in, got their t-shirts, name tags, and the ever popular items: the ribbons.  As the 2010-11 State Executive Council continued their long rehearsals, the incoming Council members were meeting each other, attending workshops and getting to know more about their new job.

Students also began registering for their STAR Events. Lead Consultants were “orientated,” and participants had a question/answer time to get answers on specific questions they may have.  Finally, at 7:00 PM, the doors opened to the Opening General Session. Members danced, yelled and even sung a few songs. Cara Gooch, the State President, opened the meeting and ensured that the rest of the Conference would be one to never forget.

Heather Schultz, the motivational speaker from Atlanta, Georgia, spoke about the importance of hope, attitude and setting goals. “Young people make up 26% of the total population, but 100% future,” was said by Schultz in her presentation.

Both STAR Events and the final screening of 2011-12 State Officers will be held tomorrow. Good luck to everyone!

Live Blogging - Opening General Session 2011


Starting Off With a Bang (and a little snow)

Thanks to VP of Public Relations, Savanna Day, for today's post!

​The 2010-2011 State Executive Council braved the winter weather to begin practices for the State Leadership Conference this year. Not even the unpredictable Missouri weather could stop them from getting their jobs done.

​Their day began with going through the schedule of the Conference which is packed with new workshops and activities. After their briefing, they headed over to the food court and took their last break before an evening full of rehearsals. 2011-12 Missouri FCCLA State President candidates were also screened and interviewed in order to choose the five to be placed on the final ballot. Competition was extremely tough this year!

​The SEC hopes to see every chapter come to the Conference where members will learn how to “Roll Out the Red Carpet of Leadership,” and learn many new skills to take back to their chapter.

Meet Heather Schultz, Motivational Speaker

During tonight's Opening General Session, Heather Schultz will present "Attitude is Everything."  We asked media team member Cody D. to interview Ms. Schultz about her experiences speaking to FCCLA groups.  Here's what she had to say:

"It has been my honor to have spoken at many FCCLA state conferences and to have keynoted at the National FCCLA Cluster Meetings.  I love taking the stage for FCCLA!  The energy is palpable, the students are outstanding, and I feel such an incredible connection with the FCCLA audience.  The FCCLA student leaders are some of the most dynamic and poised young people I know."

And what does she think about FCCLA?

"The FCCLA organization just gets it right!  It strives to make an impact on families, careers, and communities.  I appreciate that FCCLA includes FAMILY in their mission and understands that by addressing important issues, both personally and professionally, a difference can be made."

We look forward to hearing from Heather Schultz tonight!  Don't forget if you aren't able to be in attendance, there will be live blogging beginning at 7:30 p.m. 


Getting the Most Out of FCCLA Conferences

Thanks to Ravi Karia, National FCCLA President, for this post.  Ravi will be joining us at our state conference this weekend. 

FCCLA Conferences are a great chance for everyone to take their leadership skills "Towards New Horizons!" However, how do you know when you are getting the most out of the conference? Here are a few tips that I try to keep in mind in order to get the Ultimate Leadership Experience:

  • Read the Program!—Occasionally people will miss out on great events because they do not actually read the program!  The program has valuable information about what is going on, when it is happening, and where it is going to be. I know that the first thing I do when I register at a conference is to read the program and plan which workshops I will be able to attend. The program will usually have information about corporate sponsors or donors. This can be helpful if you are fundraising for your chapter because these sponsors or donors will sometimes help you out!

  • Participate!—Do not just sit around in sessions or workshops; participate!  I always advise people to ask questions, and take part in group discussions. This will not only make your presenter feel welcome, but it will also help you grow as a leader. Sometimes when you are an active participant, you can be rewarded. I personally love the workshops where you get a piece of candy when you answer a question. I have even heard of some workshops where you can win a scholarship if you really impress the company that is presenting.  If you are in a large session, such as a general session, your participation will be a little bit different. In large sessions, you should participate by listening and responding positively to speakers/presenters.

  • Have Fun—Attending FCCLA Conferences are a great chance to enjoy yourself! One of the best parts about attending FCCLA Conferences is that you get the chance to meet and network with people from all over. At this upcoming state conference, you will have the chance to meet people from across Missouri. You could meet the star basketball player from a neighboring high school. Or if you are not a sports person, you could meet the Missouri Spelling Bee Champion. Regardless of who it is, you get the opportunity to meet and befriend people from across the state!  Because FCCLA Conferences are usually held in larger cities, you have the opportunity to do some sightseeing. If you have time, go on a tour of the city or visit one of the local colleges. I know that when I am landing in St. Louis for the conference, I will be snapping several pictures of the arch!  Make memories with your friends. One of the best ways to have fun at FCCLA Conferences is to enjoy yourself with your friends and advisers/students. Eat dinner together with your chapter, or play board games on the ride to the conference. Whatever you do, just enjoy it and have fun!

I always get the most out of conferences when I keep these three things in mind: Read the Program, Participate, and Have Fun. I hope that you will be able to use these tips when you attend one of the upcoming conferences!


2011 State Leadership Conference Starts on Sunday!

FCCLA Media Team members will be submitting content for this blog, as well as on Twitter and Facebook, now through Tuesday.  Please join us for live blogging of the sessions on Sunday evening (7:30 p.m.), Monday evening (8:00 p.m.) and Tuesday morning (11:15 a.m.).  Enjoy this post by Media Team Member Katie D. 

President of FCCLA Cara Nicole Gooch knows that as FCCLA members we are leaders in our schools, communities, and in our state. Gooch has had a very eventful year as Missouri FCCLA’s president. She has spoken in front of thousands of people, advocated for FCCLA in Washington, DC, shadowed Governor Jay Nixon, and she has attended Nationals in Chicago. Gooch said, “FCCLA has given me the opportunity of a lifetime. I have met a lot of great FCCLA members along the way.”

This year at the 2011 State Leadership Conference the theme is “Rolling Out the Red Carpet of Leadership”. President Gooch said that the theme of this year’s conference is letting leaders show off their leadership skills on the red carpet. The members have learned what it means to be a leader from ACCESS FCCLA, National Cluster Meeting, and the State Conference. Cara says that in the 65 years that FCCLA has been in Missouri leaders have been made and students have participated in community service. Cara Gooch is ready to see the members of Missouri’s FCCLA show off their skills on the red carpet.

“I can’t wait to see everyone on the Red Carpet!” – Cara Gooch, FCCLA State President of Missouri.


Meet "Alex's Lemonade Stand"

Today's guest post is from Susan Blowey with Alex's Lemonade Stand.  She will be presenting a workshop on Monday, March 28 during the State Leadership Conference.  If you're interested in this project, be sure to attend her workshop!

Alex Scott was one years old when she was diagnosed with the deadly cancer, neuroblastoma. When she was 4 years old, she asked her mom if she could have a lemonade stand and give the money to her doctors. Her goal was to cure cancer for all children. Cancer is the number one killer of kids today.

Ten years later, Alex’s saying of “when like gives you lemons, make lemonade” lives on through people all over the United States who continue to have lemonade stands. Although she lost her battle with cancer, she showed how one person can make a difference with just an idea. The FCCLA is made up of students that are leaders and are looking to make a difference. Our website, makes it easy for high school students to do something fun and help others. Whether it’s having a lemonade stand in honor of someone battling cancer or having a rock-a-thon to raise funds, it all makes an impact. There is also the Lemonade from Lemons Service program that incorporates talking to grade school kids about how to make a difference like Alex did.  We also have Lemonade Days in June.

All over the United States, people are having lemonade stands to help eradicate pediatric cancer. My name is Susan Blowey and I am the Community Outreach Coordinator for Missouri and Kansas at ALSF. I am looking forward to discussing our organization and making a difference at the FCCLA State Leadership conference.  


Guest Post: COPE24

We've asked those presenting at the upcoming state leadership conference to submit guest posts if they'd's one from COPE24...Changing Our Parenting Experience

We will be releasing our new proactive and innovative parenting skill program...targeting our youth in approximately two-weeks. The dvd portion is in duplication now and the curriculum/teaching manual went to the printers on 2/16/2011. COPE24 will be selecting 8 schools throughout Missouri to begin piloting the program this semester. We should be making contact with those schools within the next week. Clips of the video portion of this program can be seen at our website. We look forward to sharing more with you about this program at the upcoming conference.

Rene Howitt


It's Social Media Advocacy Day for CTE

It's February 17, about the middle of CTE (Career and Technical Education) Month.  What have you done to promote CTE to your community this month? 

It's really easy to participate in CTE Social Media Advocacy Day -and if you don't read this until after February 17, that's okay, too.  Because really, as CTE professionals, EACH DAY is a day to advocate for career education, family and consumer sciences, and FCCLA.

Each day we use skills learned in family and consumer sciences.  Most of us rise in the morning blessed to have a place, a home, to call our own.  And for those that don't have a home, many dream of having one.  Most of us head to a kitchen  - where we find clean water and something to eat that will sustain us for a few hours.  Most of us then begin to work - whether at home with a family, school, office, or in a salon, hospital, behind a counter, or driving a vehicle.  We have skills and knowledge that we put to use to make our lives better as well as those we serve.  And if we're really fortunate, our work fulfills us and we leave tired, but ready to do it all over again. 

Each day we solve practical, perennial problems that require creative and critical thinking.  Our problems often overlap between our family, career, and community. And, because of family and consumer sciences and the focus of on our multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, we develop skills for life.  (Yes, that is taken directly from the FCCLA Mission statement).

So, even if you miss CTE Social Media Advocacy Day today, you can advocate for CTE and for family and consumer sciences each day anyway.  Remind a legislator how important your work is.  Tell a friend about the great projects or service projects your "kids" are doing.  Share how impressed you are with that student who gave a speech in front of a room full of strangers.  Explain how excited your student was when they learned they landed their first job.  And the list goes on and on.....

Happy CTE Month and thanks for all you do for family and consumer sciences and FCCLA.


It's FCCLA Week - Join The Party Online!

It’s FCCLA Week! Join us online for a week of celebration of “the ultimate leadership experience.” To start things off, make your Facebook or Twitter profile picture “red hot” by using the FCCLA poster, emblem, or a picture of you in FCCLA red. Then, join in the following online activities:

Membership Monday – update your social networks with the number of members in your local FCCLA chapter

Talk it Up Tuesday – use today’s update to talk up FCCLA to your friends! Share something that you’ve done in FCCLA that reflects the ultimate leadership experience

Wonderful Wednesday – Without advisors, FCCLA couldn’t happen! Post something today to honor your chapter advisor.

Toward New Horizons Thursday – post today about how your FCCLA experiences are helping you prepare for your future career

Fact Friday – update your status today to share a fact about FCCLA

Service Saturday – update your status today and share a FCCLA service project that you felt was valuable.

Enjoy your week, FCCLA!  Join the FCCLA week party via Twitter or Facebook - see you there!


A Project Fulfilled....for TJ

Submitted by Linda Stinson, Chapter Advisor, Mark Twain High School

On Friday, January 28, Mark Twain hosted a check presentation to Childrens Miracle Network. Mark Twain FCCLA, Region 4 FCCLA and Morgan County FCCLA raised $1,612.50. The money was raised through memorials and donations for TJ Smallwood.  TJ was the 2010-2011 President of Region 4 FCCLA. The check was presented to Michelle Kemp from University of Missouri Childrens Hospital on the behalf of Childrens Miracle Network fromTony Smallwood, father of TJ, Region 4 FCCLA officers, and members of Mark Twain FCCLA. TJ passed away on November 7, 2010.  TJ was a member of Mark Twain FCCLA and before his accident, he was passionate about planning for the chapter to raise money for Children's Miracle Network.

Region 4 FCCLA officers, Michelle Kemp from University of Missouri Childrens Hospital on the behalf of Childrens Miracle Network, Tony Smallwood, and members of Mark Twain FCCLA.

 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America, which, in turn, use the money where it’s needed the most.  When a donation is given it stays in the community, ensuring that every dollar is helping local kids.  Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $4 billion, most of it $1 at a time.  These donations have gone to support research and training, purchase equipment, and pay for uncompensated care, all in support of our mission to save an improve the lives of as many children as possible.

Tony Smallwood (father of TJ Smallwood), Kelsie Boss Region 4 Vice President and member of MarkTwain FCCLA
Mark Twain would like to thank the community, family, friends and FCCLA members for making this donation possible.


How Will You Use MoneyClips?

Missouri FCCLA has been fortunate to partner with American Century Investments as they generously sponsor the Missouri LifeSmarts program. Not only do our LifeSmarts teams benefit from the financial sponsorship, but all students can benefit from the educational resources provided through American Century Investments. The MoneyClips eNews Center and the Yes, You Can website has materials for both students and teachers.

MoneyClips offers real-world, hands-on journalism experience combined with financial knowledge for articles and broadcasts that share relevant information students can use today and tomorrow as they begin their adult lives. Each release comes with interview tips and sample questions so students can customize the information to fit their audience's interests.  MoneyClips would be great to use on chapter websites, in Financial Fitness programs, or in school newspapers, or other school or parent publications.

Some of the topics currently included in MoneyClips address identify theft, student debt, and over-scheduling. Educators are encouraged to sign up to receive free access to curriculum and email announcement of enhancements to the program and new resources.



Congratulations, Missouri LifeSmarts finalists!

Congratulations to the following teams and coaches for achieving a LifeSmarts team score that qualifies them to be invited to the LifeSmarts Missouri State Finals. This year, ten Junior varsity teams will compete in Jefferson City on Tuesday, February 15. Fourteen varsity teams will compete on Wednesday, February 16. The winning varsity team will be invited to the national LifeSmarts competition in Los Angeles from April 29 to May 3.

The follow are the names of the coaches and their qualifying teams.

Junior Varsity
Victoria Mosier- PH Gallo
Nancy Robertson - Aurora Houn Dawgs 3
Christy Lockard  - Sheldon Middle Level FBLA
Karen Warner - JR7 Rainbow Gnomes
Debra Price - Walnut Grove 8B
Sharon Baker - Linn WildCats
Angela Foltz - Bison Pride
Jessi Payne - The Golden Brains
Mary Beth Otto - Laker Ottopilots
Laurie Bybee - Tech Knights

Krista Hampton - Whippets
Anne Klemme - FZS Bulldogs
Robert Nellis - Golden Eagles
Amy Johnson - WHS Tigers
Janet Bagby - Douglass Bulldogs
Mary Cupp - Eagle Pride
Sue Witte - Bulldogs
Tamara Talbot - Benton FBLA
Jean McGinnis - Soaring Hawks
Christy Lockard - Sheldon HS FBLA
Jill Heddinger - Stanberry Bulldogs
Beverly Plymell - Regit Ninjas
Debra Price - Walnut Grove 1
Olivia York - Tiger Pride

Thank you to all the coaches and students who participated in LifeSmarts this year. Missouri continues to be a leading state in the LifeSmarts program!

Remember to continue to participate in the TeamSmarts contests through February. The LifeSmarts site will be open for practice and resources for several more weeks.

(submitted by Merilee Thoenen, Missouri LifeSmarts Coordinator).  Missouri LifeSmarts is financially sponsored by American Century Investments and coordinated by Missouri FCCLA. 


COPE24 Needs Your Help to Change Our Parenting Experience

COPE24 is a non-profit 501(c)(3) status organization that was founded by Rene Howitt. Rene has spoken in over 120 Missouri, Illinois and Kansas middle schools, high schools, and universities totaling nearly 10,000 students. Their stories of abuse, neglect, foster care and lack of permanency in their lives led to the founding of COPE24 - Changing Our Parenting Experience. Rene believes that the way to break the cycle of abuse for the sake of future generations of children is through educating and providing our youth with a coping skill set that may not have previously modeled to them.

COPE24 wants to give students realistic suggestions and alternative solutions to help them cope with a number of common issues that arise during child rearing. It is their hope that through our Parenting Skills Program, Speaker Series and the book Whose Best Interest we will see the reduction of not only child abuse/neglect, but also teen pregnancy. While the primary target is middle schools and high schools, COPE24 wants this model to be available to hospitals, advocacy groups, churches, and community centers to help prepare those that haven't been previously taught on how to cope with the stress that comes with being a parent.

This is a great idea - how can I help?

Please vote for this organization in the Pepsi Refresh contest. They are in the running for $25,000.00 the top ten organizations win. COPE24 will use the proceeds to give the two-week COPE24 Parenting Skill program to 80+ school districts in Missouri. Missouri would be the first state and school system utilizing this program.

If you have any question about COPE24, please visit their website.  Thanks for your help in providing another good resource for our youth.