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2010 Missouri FCCLA Legislative Shadowing Project

On February 23-24, 2010 55 Missouri FCCLA members met in Jefferson City to participate in the 11th annual Legislative Shadowing Project.  These students, all high school juniors and seniors from across Missouri, applied for their place in this competitive program and were chosen to represent the Missouri FCCLA association to our elected officials.

Representative Mike Lair with members of the Missouri FCCLA State Executive Council - Missouri FCCLA photo

On Tuesday, February 23, students attended an evening dinner, keynote and orientation session.  Representative Mike Lair (R-District 007) gave a heartfelt address to the students encouraging them to be knowledgeable about the state and national economy, to make wise choices and decisions, and to work hard at whatever they want to achieve in life.  Students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed his presentation!  Representative Lair is a former educator, having taught for 38 years in Nebraska, South Dakota, and Missouri.  His wife, Jeanne, is a family and consumer sciences teacher at Chillicothe High School, along with co-teacher Kristi Christy.

2010 Legislative Shadowing participants - Missouri FCCLA photo

On Wednesday, February 24, students spent the day shadowing Representatives, Senators, and staff members of elected officials.  Students were spotted throughout the Capitol Building - being introduced on the House and Senate floors, attending committee meetings on topics such as education and the state budget, and interacting with other visitors and lobbyists that were also seeking time with the Representatives and Senators.

Students sharing project experiences - Missouri FCCLA photo

At the end of the shadowing experience, students met again and discussed their experiences of the day.  Students were genuinely impressed with the work of the person they shadowed - many didn't realize how much information an elected official must process each day, how much is demanded of their time, or how many people show up to lobby for a particular cause.  And of course, many of the students were amazed at the fast pace of the legislative session - and how much walking is done throughout a day- and how many steps are climbed!

Each of the students will now go back to their local community and prepare a presentation about their Legislative Shadowing experience.  Students will share this information with a variety of audiences - including administrators and school board members.  They each document their activities and submit a report to the project coordinator, as well as suggestions for continued improvement of the project.

Why does Missouri FCCLA sponsor this project?  For some students, public service is a career goal, and projects such as this help them refine future plans.   FCCLA believes that all students are an important part of their local communities.  Leadership development through FCCLA can help these students not only make a positive difference right now, but also in the future.  Projects such as this can help them choose to be an active citizen - to vote, to volunteer for community projects and committees, and to make their voice heard.

Thank you to all the FCCLA chapter advisors, students, MoEFACS members($500 sponsorship) and Marcia Ritter (program coordinator) who make this event such a success each year.  Special thanks to the Missouri House of Representatives and Missouri Senate members who agree to participate in this project and make our students feel so welcome.  We are already looking forward to the 2011 event!


Chapter Spotlight: North Shelby FCCLA

Thanks to Caroline Kirby, National Vice President of STAR Events, for submitting this post. 

The North Shelby FCCLA has been busy this winter planning their Community Service project with the Ronald McDonald House. This community service project was a special one for the chapter because of a third grade teacher in the district whose family benefited from this service organization. The chapter agreed on a goal of raising $1,000 for the organization and the families who benefit from it.

The North Shelby FCCLA chapter partnered with the third grade class to hold several fundraisers to reach their goal. During the month of December, chapter members held a bake sale during basketball games to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House. Also during these games, North Shelby FCCLA members raffled off three cakes during halftime of the games. The third grade class donated their time by helping with the bake sale and doing odd jobs around the community such as shoveling snow and selling eggs. During the North Shelby Basketball tournament, members held a popcorn stand and the money sold here was donated to the service project.

The North Shelby FCCLA chapter was able to overcome their goal of $1,000 and in the end they donated $1,152.80 to the Ronald McDonald House. As you can see, the North Shelby FCCLA is committed to helping families and service organizations within their own community. So when thinking about what your chapter can do as a community service project, remember to think locally!


Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP - Julie Carr

This week's Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP is Julie Carr, from Adrian High School.  Here's what the person nominating her said:

Region 12 is full of many strong FCCLA advisors - however one that is constantly involved and almost always on the Regional Executive Council is Julie Carr.  Julie has had several state vice presidents and regioanl presidents (at the same time).  Her chapter keeps busy by attending conferences, competing STAR Events, carrying out service projects, and catering.  She is also available to help with things such as taking care of the PowerPoint for regional meeting and coming to rehearsal.  She is willing to help organize STAR Events even though we do this on a Saturday and it is several hours away from her home.  We appreciate the sacrifices she makes to help out her fellow advisors!

Congratulations Julie Carr - you're a Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP!


Alumni Feature: Where Are They Now? Katie Patton

FCCLA Alumni: Where Are They Now?

FCCLA Alumni impact the organization even after membership in high school. Here’s a look at what one of our very own Missouri FCCLA Alumni has been up to lately!

Name: Katie Patton, Class of 2006
FCCLA Chapter: Gallatin High School
FCCLA Participation:
Chapter Secretary
Regional Historian
State President
National Officer Candidate

 Katie is currently in her senior year at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, KY where she is student teaching. She will graduate this May 2010 with a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences Education. While at EKU, Katie has been involved with the Honors Program, Student Alumni Ambassadors, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Phi Kappa Phi, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and Kentucky Association of Family and Consumer Sciences KAFCS where she served as the State Student Unit Treasurer. She is also involved in the Family and Consumer Sciences Club.
Throughout college Katie has had the unique opportunity to work as a transcriptionist transcribing coursework for individuals with disabilities. Katie will be attending the University of South Carolina in the fall of 2010 to begin work on obtaining a Master’s Degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs.
Katie has had the opportunity to stay involved with FCCLA by serving as a STAR Events evaluator in both Missouri and Kentucky.
Katie’s Advice to FCCLA Members: “You get out of something what you put into it, so put everything you can into your FCCLA experience!”


Congratulations Varsity LifeSmarts Winners!

Teens from Southern High Take Missouri State Varsity LifeSmarts Title

Champs to Travel to Miami to Compete in National Event

A team from Southern High School in Ellington beat out 12 teams and captured the Missouri State Varsity LifeSmarts Championship by successfully fielding questions about real-life marketplace issues in Jefferson City on February 17. “The team said it was the BEST DAY EVER. What a joy to get to see them mature into a great team” said their coach, Krista Hampton.

LifeSmarts, a consumer education competition that challenges teens in grades 9-12 about personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities, is a program of the National Consumers League. In Missouri, Merilee Thoenen, Supervisor, Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) runs the program. It is coordinated by the Missouri Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and the financial sponsor is American Century Investments of Kansas City.

Teens from across the state first competed online for a chance to go to the in-person state finals held February 17 in Jefferson City. State champions from Southern Reynolds County R-II have qualified for the national LifeSmarts competition to be held in Miami, Florida, April 24-27.

“LifeSmarts participants in Missouri have gained many of the consumer ‘smarts’ they’ll need to make it in the real world,” said State Coordinator, Merilee Thoenen. “We’re proud to have Southern High School represent us at the 2010 National LifeSmarts Championship in Miami.”

Other teams participating in the state finals included 2nd place Ava Victory Academy, 3rd place Linn High School, Sherwood High School in Creighton, Maysville High School, Stanberry High School, Stoutland High School, Ruskin High School in Kansas City, Grandview Senior High School, Hermann High School, Frederick Douglass High School in Columbia and Fort Zumwalt South High School in St. Peters.

Congratulations JV LifeSmarts Winners!

Teens from Camdenton Middle School Take Missouri State Junior Varsity LifeSmarts Title

A team from Camdenton Middle School in Camdenton, Missouri  beat out 9 teams and captured the Missouri State Junior Varsity LifeSmarts Championship by successfully fielding questions about real-life marketplace issues in Jefferson City on February 16.

Junior Varsity LifeSmarts, a consumer education competition that challenges teens in grades 6-8 about personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities, is a program of the National Consumers League. In Missouri, Merilee Thoenen, Supervisor, Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) runs the program. It is coordinated by the Missouri Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and the financial sponsor is American Century Investments of Kansas City.

Teens from across the state first competed online for a chance to go to the in-person state finals held February 16 in Jefferson City. “We are glad to be number one again” stated coach Mary Beth Otto referring to their 1st place finish in 2008.

“LifeSmarts participants in Missouri have gained many of the consumer ‘smarts’ they’ll need to make it in the real world,” said State Coordinator, Merilee Thoenen.

Other teams participating in the state finals included 2nd place Aurora Junior High, 3rd place Linn Junior High School, Sherwood Middle School in Creighton, Stoutland Middle School, Northeast Vernon High School, Pleasant Hill Middle School, Buffalo Middle School and Danby-Rush Tower Middle School in Festus


Chapter Spotlight: Tipton FCCLA

Submitted by Bryanna Rex, Region 13 State Vice President.

Earlier this fall, the Tipton FCCLA chapter partnered with Tipton’s FFA, FBLA, and DECA chapters for a Career and Technical Organizations community service day at the city park.  Although the weather was a bit chilly many students and faculty showed up to help. Students were divided into groups; some painted shelter houses while others planted and weeded flowerbeds. Hot chocolate and muffins were served to help beat the cold weather. “Although it was cold it was a lot of  fun to give back to the community,” said FCCLA chapter member April.  After hours of hard work students had painted two shelter houses and the park’s gazebo, along with planting and weeding two of the park’s flowerbeds.

How is your chapter involved in community service?


Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP - Beth Waldrup

This week's Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP is Beth Waldrup from the Nevada Regional Technical Center.  Her co-advisor Louise Lunkenheimer had this to say:

Beth Waldrup is a 2nd year advisor for our FCCLA chapter.  She has become very active, very fast!  This year her students have raised $500 for FCCLA's Dig It Campaign for the Children's Miracle Network.  Beth is currently mentoring a student who wants to run for office next year.  She has also served as a STAR Events room consultant at the regional, state, and national levels.  In my eyes, she's a shining star!  She believes in FCCLA and all that it does for students.

Beth always goes above and beyond for her students and our FCCLA chapter.  Even though I teach culinary arts, and she teaches early childhood careers, my students are her students and her students are mine as far as FCCLA is concerned.  It's great to work closely on a daily basis with such a professional.

Congratulations Beth Waldrup - you're a Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP! 


Chapter Spotlight - Humansville FCCLA

(Submitted by D.J., Fonteneau, Region 10 State Vice President)

During the last few weeks I have learned how competitive a penny can be, when someone offers pizza as an incentive. The Humansville FCCLA chapter has taken a step toward helping our local Children’s Miracle Network hospital. With a humanitarian thought in mind, the Humansville FCCLA members sponsored a friendly competition called a “Penny War” for a good reason. To begin the competition we showed the FCCLA promotional video “My Dreams” at our kick off assembly, so that students would understand what the money would be used for. In the assembly we also addressed when the competition started, when it ended, how points were awarded, who was competing, and most importantly what was a stake “PIZZA!” There were cans decorated for seventh grade, eighth grade, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and staff located in the high school office. For the competitors to earn positive points all they had to do is drop a penny in their can, and the group with the most points wins.

Photo submitted by J. Hankinson

Sure that is simple enough but there is a catch. If a class wanted to be sneaky and ensure their class had a better chance of winning, all they had to do is add silver change or dollar bills of any amount in the class can that they did not want to win. The silver change and dollar bills subtracted points for the unfortunate class. Now the class with the most positive points was in the lead, and yes we had classes with negative points.

 This competition was very competitive and raised $512.21 for the Children’s Miracle Network in a very short time. The seventh grade out smarted the rest of the grades and staff to win the pizza party. This gave recognition to the FCCLA chapter and promoted a worthy cause.


Chapter Spotlight - Thayer FCCLA

Hey there Missouri FCCLA! I'm your Region 9 State Vice President Leslie Caldwell from Thayer High School, and for Chapter Spotlight this week I would like to tell you what Thayer FCCLA is doing for FCCLA week. We plan on celebrating in style. Monday we will have a favorite team day where we dress in our favorite team apparel. Tuesday we are groovin' into leadership, so we will dress up groovin'. Wednesday is red day in honor of FCCLA, we will also be having an FCCLA 65th Birthday Party in which we will have members bring food for points towards the end of the year trip and we will have games. Thursday will be dress like your grandma/grandpa day! And Friday is green and white day in honor of our school. For Valentine's Day we are also doing a fundraiser for FCCLA, we are selling Valentine's Day heart shaped cookies. Also, our St. Jude's Rock-A-Thon will be held February 19th all night, all night we will rock for donations toward St. Jude's Research Hospital. As you can tell we sure are having a busy month here at Thayer High School. I hope all of you are celebrating FCCLA week and FCCLA's 65th birthday! I hope to see you all at State Conference soon!

Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP - Sharon Nave

This week's Missouri FCCLA VIP is Sharon Nave, from Pilot Grove C-4 High School.  See what her nominator had to say about this Region 13 advisor:

There is an advisor in Region 13 who has lots of energy - Sharon Nave is always busy!  She is an expert in pulling off Regional STAR Events.  She is organized with the registration process, the judging sessions, and the awards assembly.  Sharon has also been responsible for organizing the charter bus to Cluster Meetings.  She has every detail worked out.  Many thanks go to Sharon Nave!

Congratulations Sharon Nave - you're a Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP!


FCCLA Chapters Participate in Kits4Kids

Photo submitted by M. McGee, Purdy

Missouri FCCLA chapters participated in DESE's "Kits 4 Kids" relief project for Haiti - with 22 chapters reporting that they collected nearly 2000 kits!  Statewide, over 30,000 kits were collected in partnership with Convoy of Hope.  Thanks to the following FCCLA Chapters for reporting your participation!

Carl Junction
Hazelwood East
Lawson Middle
North Shelby
Northeast Vernon County
Pilot Grove
St. Joseph
Worth County

The chapter reporting the largest donation was Risco with 186 kits.  Thanks to each of these chapters for showing their global, community service spirit!


FCCLA Week Contest!

February 7-13, 2010 is FCCLA Week! 

To celebrate, we're holding a contest!  Submit a comment to this blog post telling us what your chapter is doing this week to celebrate, and you'll be entered into a contest to win one of ten Missouri FCCLA logo items - water bottles, photo frames, keychains, etc.   Be sure to include your chapter name so we know where to send your prize!

The contest closes on Friday, February 13 at 11:59 p.m.  Winners will be announced on Monday, February 15.   Good luck and happy FCCLA week!


Ribbon Mania!!

Photo by D. Kirby

Hey, how'd you get that ribbon?  And why do you have so many of them?

For the past few years (I think two?) Missouri FCCLA has distributed ribbons as a way of recognizing chapters that participate in several state and national FCCLA programs.  After seeing groups like the one above with ribbons galore, it seems like everyone wanted to know how to get those ribbons for their own chapter. 

For national FCCLA programs such as Community Service or STOP the Violence, chapters must submit an online awards application by March 1 (not just the program summary form).  To receive the Teen Times ribbon, a chapter must submit an article to Teen Times (and copy the state advisor).  For these kinds of recognition, every chapter member will receive one of those ribbons in their chapter packet. 

To receive a Power of One ribbon (which is an individual program, not a group or team) 5-unit completers must submit their recognition form to the state office by March 1.  All STAR Events participants will also receive ribbons at the state conference.

This is a list of the ribbons available this year:

Career Connection
Community Service
Families First
FEFE Program
Financial Fitness
Power of One
RACE Into Reading
Show Me 5
STAR Events Participant
STAR Events Consultant
STOP the Violence
Student Body
Teen Times

It will be great to see how many ribbons all the members are wearing this year.  It's an easy and fun way to show our appreciation for the hard work it takes to accomplish the goals of each of those programs and activities. 


A Day in the INTERNET

A Day in the Internet
Created by Online Education

Congratulations to the Missouri LifeSmarts Finalists!

LifeSmarts is a national program sponsored by the National Consumers League. In Missouri, the LifeSmarts program is coordinated by FCCLA and financially sponsored by American Century Investments of Kansas City.

The program is a resource for the topics of personal finance; consumer rights and responsibilities, health and safety, ecology and technology. It is also an online competition for students in grades 6-8 (Junior Varsity) and 9-12 (Varsity).

The top scoring on-line teams are asked to the state in-person finals in Jefferson City. The top varsity team will represent Missouri at the national competition in Miami Beach, Florida in April.

Congratulations to the following teams for qualifying for the state in-person finals. The JV finals will be held in Jefferson City on February 16, the varsity on February 17.

Arrowheads Sherwood Cass R-8
Bison Pride Buffalo Prairie Middle School
Houndawgs Aurora Junior High
JR7 Topics in FACS Jefferson R-7
Laker OttoPilots Camdenton Middle School
Linn Wildcats Osage County R-2
NEVC Knights 7th Northeast Vernon County HS
Stoutland JH School Stoutland Junior High School
The A Team Pleasant Hill Middle School

Blue Crew Gasconade R-1
Crusaders Ava Victory Academy
FZS Juniors Ft. Zumwalt South High School
Golden Eagles Ruskin High School
Golden Nuggets Grandview CSD-4
Lady Bulldogs Douglass High School
Savvy Consumers Maysville High School
Stanberry CAFL Stanberry R-II
Stoutland HS Stoutland High School
The Bus Sherwood Cass R-8
Whippets Southern Reynolds R-II
Wildcats Linn High School
Thanks to Merilee Thoenen, Missouri LifeSmarts Coordinator, for all of her hard work with this program!  Because of her efforts, and the efforts of the great coaches, Missouri has a very strong LifeSmarts program.  Good luck to everyone in the final competitions!


Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP - Ann Bent

This week's Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP is Ann Bent, from Sullivan High School.  Ann is new to family and consumer sciences, but not new to education.  Here's what her nominator said:

Ann Bent has been working overtime trying to wrap her head around new terms like Regional Meeting, parliamentary procedure, and STAR Events.  Ann has worked hard to integrate her FCCLA students into community service projects and create an FCCLA chapter.  As a new teacher, Ann stepped into an overwhelming role:  Region 5 Meeting Host.  Without her dedication to excellence, our regional meeting would not have amenities like a sound and technology crew, dress rehearsal with the technology director, and a location like Sullivan's auditorium.

Ann is an excellent example to new and experienced advisors.  With her relentless attitude to understand the ins and outs of FCCLA and her determination to make her department and chapter shine, she inspires her students and the advisors around her.

Congratulations, Ann Bent - you're a Missouri FCCLA Advisor VIP!  Thanks for all you do for your students and FCCLA members!


FCCLA and College Tours

I recently returned from a very cold trip to Chicago - the site of the 2010 FCCLA National Leadership Conference.  This is a professional development meeting for all FCCLA state advisors, national staff, and this year, portions included the National Executive Council. 

During this meeting, state advisors were treated to two special tours to educational institutions that support FCCLA programs and activities.  Our first tour took place at the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago.  Admissions staff from the Institute gave us a first rate tour of all the facilities.  Students in FCCLA and family and consumer sciences classes may be interested in some of these degree programs - Digital Filmmaking and Video Production, Digital Photography, Culinary Arts, Fashion Design, Interior Design, and Hospitality Management.  (There are other degree programs as well). 

Our second tour took place at Kendall College.  FCCLA members may be interested in the Business, Culinary, Hospitality, Education and Psychology programs offered.  During both tours, students were very willing to answer our questions and to share with us additional information about their postsecondary education.

There are many other colleges which support National FCCLA, including Johnson & Wales University.  We're also fortunate to have the support of Missouri colleges and universities for programs such as STAR Events.  (I'll highlight those in a future blog post.) 

To see all the photos from the tour, please visit the Missouri FCCLA Facebook fan page. Many thanks to FCCLA, The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago and Kendall College for the hospitality shown during the tours.


Missouri FCCLA Legislative Shadowing Project

Congratulations to the following chapters that will have participants in the 2010 Missouri FCCLA Legislative Shadowing project!

Adrian R-3 High School
Belton High School
Chamois High School
Chillicothe High School
Clarkton High School
Crawford County R-II High School
Dixon High School
East Newton High School
Fredericktown High School
Greenfield High School
Hazelwood East High School
Holcomb High School
Humansville High School
Jackson High School
Keytesville High School
La Monte High School
Lamar High School
Lathrop High School
Lee's Summit West High School
Lex La-Ray Technical Center
Mark Twain High School
Maysville High School
Meadow Heights High School
Mound City High School
Normandy High School
North Andrew High School
North Kansas City High School
Owensville High School
Pilot Grove High School
Pleasant Hope High School
Portageville High School
Princeton High School
Purdy High School
Salisbury High School
Sikeston High School
Southwest R-5 High School
Stockton High School
Thayer R-II High School
Tipton High School
Trenton High Schoool
Van-Far High School
Walnut Grove High School
West County R-IV High School
West Plains High School
Zalma High School

Selected juniors and seniors will participate in the program beginning on February 23.  They will hear from Representative Mike Lair from District 0007.  Mr. Lair is a retired high school educator and coach.  His wife is a family and consumer sciences teacher in the Chillicothe school district.  Many thanks to him for agreeing to be our opening night speaker.

The Missouri FCCLA Legislative Shadowing Project is designed for FCCLA members in their junior or senior years of high school who have an interest in public policy, laws and its relation to families, careers and communities.  Selected members will experience a day of job shadowing in the Missouri General Assembly. They are then expected to share this experience and what they have learned with fellow students, community groups, or their school board.  This program is funded through Missouri FCCLA membership dues, contributions from the Missouri Educators of Family and Consumer Sciences (MoEFACS), and support from the Family and Consumer Sciences Human Services section of DESE. 

It is always an energizing and exciting day in the state capitol for these members and their advisors.  Thanks to all who applied this year.